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Russia Launches Fifth Drone Attack on Kyiv in Two Weeks, All Drones Destroyed by Ukrainian Air Defenses

Сергій Попко очолив військову адміністрацію Києва.

Russia has carried out its fifth drone attack on Kyiv in the past two weeks, with Ukrainian air defense systems successfully destroying all the unmanned aerial vehicles before they reached the capital, the Ukrainian military reported on Sunday.

No casualties or damage have been reported, according to Serhiy Popko, head of Kyiv’s military administration, in a statement on Telegram.

“These systematic attacks… using drones once again demonstrate that the aggressor is actively seeking ways to strike Kyiv,” Popko said. “They are testing new tactics, searching for new approaches to the capital, and attempting to uncover the locations of our air defenses.”

The scale of the attack remains unclear, and Russia has not commented on the incident.

In recent months, Ukraine has faced an increasing number of drone and missile attacks from Russia as the conflict continues to escalate. The Ukrainian military has been enhancing its air defense capabilities to protect key cities, including Kyiv, from aerial threats. The latest attacks highlight the ongoing struggle for control of the skies over Ukraine and the persistent threat posed by Russian forces.

Despite the successful interception of the drones, the repeated assaults have caused significant concern among Kyiv residents and officials. The Ukrainian government continues to call for international support to bolster its air defense systems and deter further aggression.

Meanwhile, the international community has condemned the attacks, urging Russia to cease its hostilities and engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict. The situation in Ukraine remains tense, with both sides preparing for the possibility of further escalations.

The Ukrainian military remains vigilant, working to improve its defensive measures and protect its citizens from ongoing threats. As the conflict persists, the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people continue to be tested.