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Donald Trump Reveals Messages from Chinese President and Other World Leaders After Assassination Attempt

Дональд Трамп і Сі Цзіньпін на саміті G20, 2017

Donald Trump and Xi Jinping at the G20 summit, 2017, Photo: Xinhua

Former President Donald Trump revealed on Saturday that Chinese President Xi Jinping and other world leaders sent him messages following an assassination attempt that occurred last week. The re-elected candidate did not specify which other leaders had reached out, Politico reports.

“I have always had a very good relationship with President Xi. He’s a great guy. Recently, he sent me a nice note when he heard about what happened,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “Most world leaders did the same.”

Trump has long boasted about his warm relationship with Xi. In 2020, while serving as president, Trump claimed that he and the Chinese leader “love each other,” despite accusing China of “predatory practices” in its trade dealings with the U.S.

During his presidency, Trump imposed tariffs on Chinese exports and sharply criticized China for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump has faced criticism for his praise of authoritarian leaders, including Xi. For example, in recent months, he has met several times with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

In February, Trump stated his willingness to increase tariffs on Chinese exports and mentioned that he did not believe Xi would want him to return to the White House, although he added that Xi “was a very good friend of mine during my term.”

At the Grand Rapids rally, Trump was accompanied by his new campaign partner, Senator J.D. Vance. Trump appeared without the large white bandage he had previously worn on his ear.