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A joint operation by Shin Bet, the IDF, and the police uncovered a terrorist group at Birzeit University.

Photo: Shin Bet Spokesperson

Israeli security forces have successfully neutralized a terrorist cell linked to the Palestinian Hamas movement that operated at Birzeit University.

According to 7kanal, a joint operation by the General Security Service (Shin Bet), the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and a police special unit uncovered and arrested a group of students who were members of the Palestinian organization Hamas, known as the “Islamic Bloc.”

During the operation, police special forces arrested the cell members who were planning a large-scale terrorist attack. They are also suspected of acting on behalf of the Hamas headquarters in Turkey, with the aim of “creating an infrastructure for military activity against Israelis.”

An investigation conducted by the Shin Bet revealed that the cell members were meticulously preparing for a major attack and a series of smaller operations to transfer funds to local militants. All this time, they were operating under the direct guidance of senior officials from the Hamas headquarters in Turkey.

The investigation found that Mahmoud Anjaz, suspected of leading the cell, recruited Palestinians who sympathized with radical Islam and terrorism while studying at Birzeit University in Ramallah. He utilized connections with a student from Abu Dis University, a resident of Al-Bireh, who linked the cell with the Hamas headquarters in Turkey to obtain funding for purchasing weapons and conducting attacks.

During the investigation, all cell members were arrested, and weapons and tens of thousands of dollars were found in their hideout.

The investigation materials have been transferred to the military prosecutor’s office for the preparation of an indictment.

Shin Bet notes that in recent weeks, many militants from “homemade” Hamas cells in Palestinian higher education institutions have been arrested to continue suppressing Hamas infrastructure activities in the Judea and Samaria regions.