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Khalid Mashal temporarily headed the political bureau of Hamas after the elimination of Ismail Haniya


Arab media reports that Khalid Mashal is temporarily acting as the head of the Hamas political bureau after the elimination of Ismail Haniya in Tehran. Khalid Mashal, a figure with a rich and controversial history, previously headed the organization for many years and is known for his radical views and involvement in terrorist activities.

Mashal was born in 1956 in the village of Silwad, near Ramallah, and after the Six-Day War, his family was forced to leave the territory of Israel, moving first to Jordan and then to Kuwait. It was in Kuwait, in 1987, that he became one of the founders of Hamas, an organization whose goal is to create an “Islamic state of Palestine” on the entire territory of Israel.

For decades, Mashal was a central figure in Hamas, involved in the organization of terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens, and even survived an assassination attempt organized by Israeli secret services in 1997. After many years in exile and continuous activity in the organization, in 2017 he ceded the post of head of the political bureau to Ismail Haniyeh, but remained an influential figure.

Now, after the death of Haniya, Mashal is back on the front lines, temporarily taking over the leadership of the Hamas political bureau. Extraordinary elections are ahead for the organization, which will determine a new leader. The situation surrounding this figure is always of great interest, given his past and influence on regional politics.