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The German company Rheinmetall will deliver tanks to the Czech Republic as part of support for Ukraine

Німецький виробник зброї Rheinmetall

German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall has announced the supply of tanks to the Czech army as part of an exchange program aimed at supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia, Reuters reports. According to the agreement, the Czech Republic will receive 14 Leopard 2A4 tanks and one armored repair and evacuation vehicle. In exchange for this, Prague will provide Ukraine with military equipment.

The value of the contract is estimated at several hundred million euros, and the delivery of equipment should be completed by the beginning of 2026, Rheinmetall said.

Rheinmetall is the largest German manufacturer in this field and one of the leading suppliers of weapons and ammunition for the military aid that the West provides to Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.