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Differences between Iran and its allies over Israel’s response

Iranian leader Ali Khamenei. Photo: unn

Tensions Emerge in Tehran

A recent meeting in Tehran highlighted growing tensions between Iran and its regional allies, including Hezbollah and Hamas, over their response to Israeli actions. The meeting, attended by representatives of various factions, revealed significant disagreements on how to address recent events, including the killing of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh and Lebanese party commander Fuad Shukr.

Iran’s Cautious Approach

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) urged patience in responding to Israeli actions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining calm and coordinating efforts among all allies. Iranian officials expressed concerns that aggressive actions could lead to an escalation of the conflict, ultimately benefiting Israel rather than the Palestinians or other allies in the region.

Call for Coordination Among Allies

Iran’s allies, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, pushed for an immediate and coordinated response to Israeli attacks, believing that the time has come to open all fronts and strike Israel with full force. They called for serious operations targeting Israeli infrastructure, security, military, and economic targets.

Conclusions from the Discussion

Iranian representatives stressed the need to negotiate with Israel on equal terms, noting that each killing of figures from the “axis of resistance” should be reciprocated with similar actions against Israeli figures. However, this approach faced sharp criticism from allies, who believed that such a response could be part of a larger offensive rather than an isolated reaction.

Potential Consequences

There are fears that some of Iran’s allies may take independent actions without coordinating with Tehran, potentially leading to a dangerous escalation of the conflict. Iran expresses concern over the possible outcomes of such actions, especially considering the lessons from the events of October 7, when Hamas acted without prior coordination with Iran.

Source: aljarida