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Muhammad Bakri film “Jenin-2” is banned from screening in Haifa and Jaffa

Muhammad Bakri. Photo: allocine

Screening ban in Haifa and Jaffa

The Israeli police banned the screening of Muhammad Bakri’s film “Jenin, Jenin” for the second time. The show, which was due to take place at the Al-Sarayah Theater in Jaffa, was canceled after a performance in Haifa was canceled earlier. The ban is due to accusations that the film allegedly “incites the public against IDF soldiers.”

The first actions of the police

The screening in Haifa was supposed to take place at the club of the HADASH party, but after numerous protests, the organizers were summoned to a police hearing. As a result of the conversation, the police issued an order to close the club for the duration of the show. In Jaffa, a screening of the film at the Al-Sarayah Club was also canceled following the questioning of theater director Mahmoud Abu Arish.

A previously banned film

Bakri’s first film, Jenin, Jenin, was banned in Israel earlier. The film tells about the events of 2002, when Jenin was declared a closed war zone after a wave of terrorist attacks. Bakri recorded a peaceful demonstration that turned into gunfire by soldiers.

The reaction of the theater and political figures

In a statement from the Al Saraya theater, it is stated that the police are preventing the screening of the film without a court order. Theater director Abu Arish emphasized that the ban is a gross violation of freedom of speech and political persecution.

Muhammad Bakri commented on the situation, accusing the Israeli government of abandoning democracy under the rule of the right. He noted that the film contains evidence of the difficult times in the July 2023 operation and the persecution of his previous work.

Position by Shay Glick and Mickey Zohar

Shai Glick, CEO of Bezelmo, supported the ban, arguing that the film is anti-Semitic and should not be shown in Israel. Culture Minister Miki Zohar also condemned attempts to incite society and promised to review the possibility of ending funding for the theater where the show was planned.

Source: N12