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Japan handed over heavy equipment to Ukraine to restore the infrastructure of four regions

Foto:Press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine

As part of the Emergency Recovery Program, Ukraine received a significant amount of heavy machinery and equipment from Japan, which will be aimed at supporting the four key regions of the country most affected by the hostilities.

According to information released by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, 97 units of heavy equipment were transferred to Ukraine with the participation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This equipment is aimed at improving critical infrastructure services in the cities of Kharkiv, Dnipro, Kherson and Mykolaiv.

The equipment transferred will be used to restore and improve services in the areas of transport, water supply and waste processing, which have suffered from significant destruction. An important part of this assistance is the provision of generators, pipes and other necessary equipment to help provide residents with basic services such as electricity, clean water and efficient waste management.

The Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine noted that the support from the Japanese government is invaluable in the conditions of the current challenges that the country is facing. “It’s not just about the transfer of equipment, it’s about solidarity and a common desire to restore our cities and life in them,” he emphasized.

This step is another confirmation of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and Japan, which continues to strengthen in the face of global challenges. The transfer of equipment is part of a broader program of cooperation that includes assistance in rebuilding destroyed infrastructure, increasing the efficiency of public services and improving the quality of life of residents of the affected regions.

With the help of this technique, Ukrainian regions will be able to recover faster after the destruction, returning normal life to the affected cities and towns.