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Zakharova Accuses Maia Sandu of “Romanization” and Compares Moldova’s Situation to Nazi Germany

Марія Захарова

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has made another provocative statement, accusing Moldovan President Maia Sandu of forcibly “Romanizing” the country. In an interview with Moldovan blogger Gabriel Kelinu, Zakharova claimed that Sandu’s actions are aimed at “turning the Moldovan people into another people,” drawing a comparison to events in Nazi Germany.

As Moldova approaches its presidential elections on October 20, 2024, Kremlin propaganda is intensifying attacks on Maia Sandu and her pro-European government. In the 23-minute interview, Zakharova not only accused the West of implementing a “similar scenario” in Moldova as in Ukraine but also compared the actions of the Moldovan authorities to Nazi atrocities.

“What is happening in Moldova is unprecedented,” Zakharova stated. “In the Nazi Third Reich, which I do not justify, there was at least a certain diabolical logic: they committed atrocities against those they declared enemies. But here we see how a people is being turned into another people under the guise of protecting them.”

Zakharova also emphasized that Maia Sandu’s Romanian passport supposedly proves her intent to “attack the Moldovan people as an ethnocultural community.” However, when asked by the host about the possibility of Russia “absorbing” Moldova, she categorically denied it, calling it “a terrible lie.”

Zakharova’s statement is part of a broader Moscow campaign to discredit Moldova’s pro-European aspirations and reinforce anti-Western rhetoric in the region.