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The incident with Ben Gvir: The scandal surrounding the arrest of the suspect is gaining momentum

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The incident on the beach in Tel Aviv

The incident that took place on the beach in Tel Aviv, where Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir became the victim of sand attacks, continues to cause significant resonance. After the police decided to keep the suspect in custody, protesters gathered outside Neve Tirza prison to show their support for the woman. They chanted: “The minister wanted, the minister ordered, and now Noah is in Neve-Tirts,” cursorinfo reports.

Accusations by the police

In a statement, the police accused the protesters of an “unsubstantiated smear campaign”, saying that “interested parties are spreading false information to harm the work of the police”. According to police, the suspect was arrested and booked into Neve Tirza Prison for alleged offences, including assault on a public servant, disorderly conduct and obstructing an investigation.

Court decision

The court rejected the request of the suspect’s lawyers for an urgent hearing of the case. The judge ordered that the suspect remain in custody, saying: “The department intends to carry out a thorough investigation and take additional measures in cases where there is a risk of obstructing the investigation.” The suspect is expected to be brought to court for a hearing this evening.

Criticism and reaction

The police also criticized MP Naama Lazimi for calling the actions of the law enforcement officers “mafia-like”. Police said her words were “deplorable”. In response, Lazimi stated: “The facts are that the police decided to deceive everyone who was interested in Noah’s whereabouts and withheld information for several hours – from her lawyer to journalists and colleagues in the Knesset. This is absolutely mafia behavior.”

The position of the suspect’s mother

She added: “Police who lie and spread false stories about the whereabouts of a detainee who is not a danger to society, has no criminal record and suffers from a chronic illness, while everyone worries, is a police force serving the regime, not the state . Instead of persecuting opposition figures who oppose the government, the police should act as civil servants, not as executors of the minister’s will.”

Update from mother

Noah’s mother wrote on the website X (formerly Twitter) after the arrest that her daughter suffers from a chronic illness and that her detention threatens her life. She emphasized that Noa has no criminal record and is not a threat. “The dictatorial police decided without any reason to put my daughter’s life in danger by keeping her in custody with her life at risk. She has no criminal record, poses no threat, but this is a directive from above. If anyone out there has a heart or common sense, please release my daughter,” Goldenberg wrote.

Goldenberg tweeted again today: “Noah is still in custody because of a grain of sand. We don’t know how she spent the night or what condition she is in right now. I thank everyone who came out to support her. Amazing people gathered Friday night to to protect the last shreds of democracy, common sense and humanity”.