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Andrius Kubilius: EU must strengthen defense quickly to face potential Russian threat

перший комісар ЄС з питань оборони Андрюс Кубілюс

Andrius Kubilius, the EU’s first Defence Commissioner. Photo: J. Stacevičius / LRT

The European Union must urgently bolster its defense capabilities as Russia could be ready for direct confrontation within six to eight years, stated Andrius Kubilius, the EU’s first-ever defense commissioner, in an interview with Reuters on September 18.

Kubilius, former Prime Minister of Lithuania, was appointed to this newly created position to strengthen Europe’s defense industry. His role focuses on encouraging EU nations to increase defense spending on European-made arms, facilitate joint procurement, and promote international cooperation within the sector.

“Defense ministers and NATO generals agree that Vladimir Putin could be ready for confrontation with NATO and the EU in 6-8 years,” said Kubilius, a vocal critic of Russia and strong supporter of Ukraine.

He emphasized that the EU must act swiftly to prepare for this potential military challenge, highlighting the need for “fast and ambitious decisions.” Kubilius’s first priority as defense commissioner will be working with new foreign affairs commissioner Kaja Kallas to assess what resources the EU needs to be ready.

Kubilius pointed to a significant lack of investment in the defense sector, noting that more than a trillion euros have been under-invested since the financial crisis. He aims for the EU to invest over 500 billion euros in the coming years to develop Europe’s defense industry. However, he stressed that his focus is on how to spend the money, not on where it will come from.

Possible funding sources include issuing joint defense bonds, using the European Recovery and Resilience Fund, or tapping into the European Investment Bank, Kubilius suggested.