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Russia secretly develops drones in China for use in Ukraine — covert program exposed

Співробітники групи розмінування поліції вилучають боєголовку з російського безпілотного літального апарату «Камікадзе», збитого засобами радіоелектронної боротьби під час одного з останніх ударів безпілотників, на тлі нападу Росії на УкраїнуПрес-служба Національної поліції України

Police demining team members remove a warhead from a Russian Kamikaze drone shot down by electronic warfare during one of the latest drone strikes, amid Russia’s attack on UkrainePress service of the National Police of Ukraine

Russia is conducting a secret program to develop and manufacture long-range drones in China for use in its war against Ukraine. This revelation comes from two European intelligence sources and documents reviewed by Reuters.

One document, submitted to the Russian Ministry of Defense earlier this year, details the G3 drone, which has a range of about 2000 kilometers and can carry an explosive payload of approximately 50 kilograms. In a subsequent update to the report, the same company states it has the capability to mass-produce these drones at a facility in China, including the G3 model, for deployment on the Ukrainian front.

Other documents, including two invoices, reveal that the Russian company “Kupol” received at least seven military drones of Chinese origin, including two G3 models. In response to these revelations, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Reuters that it was unaware of any such project and emphasized its strict export control measures for drones.

The United States also reacted through a White House spokesperson, who confirmed that Washington has no evidence suggesting Beijing was aware of or involved in the project. However, the spokesperson expressed deep concern over the reports, noting that if true, it would imply that a Chinese company is aiding a Russian entity under U.S. sanctions, such as the Russian company “Almaz-Antey.”