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Scientists uncover neurological mystery behind Vermeer’s “Girl with a Pearl Earring”

картина Йоганнеса Вермеєра "Дівчина з перловою сережкою"

Researchers claim to have decoded the secret behind Johannes Vermeer’s iconic painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by measuring its impact on the human brain. Martin De Munnik from Neurensics, the company leading the study for the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague, remarked: “We expected the young woman in the painting to be considered special, but the reason surprised even us.”

The study, conducted using EEG and MRI technology, revealed that the painting induces a unique neurological effect, termed the “sustained attention loop.” Viewers’ gaze first focuses on the woman’s eyes, then shifts to her mouth, moves down to the pearl, and returns to her eyes, creating a loop that prolongs their attention on the piece.

Additionally, scientists observed heightened activity in the brain’s precuneus, a region linked to consciousness and identity. This phenomenon helps explain why viewers recognize and feel a stronger emotional connection to this painting than to others. When comparing reactions to the original versus a copy, the emotional response to the original was found to be ten times stronger, highlighting the importance of experiencing original works of art in museums.

“The brain doesn’t lie,” said museum director Martine Gosselink, emphasizing the significance of Vermeer’s masterpiece. These findings further demonstrate why Girl with a Pearl Earring remains an iconic and deeply affecting work.