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A landmark exhibition of Ukrainian theatre costumes opens in Kyiv

Photo: Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine

Today, on 5 October, the Museum of Theatre, Music and Cinema of Ukraine will host the grand opening of the exhibition Ukrainian Theatre Costume of the XX-XXI Centuries: Identity, Context, Landscape. This project aims to demonstrate not only the aesthetics of theatre costume, but also its role as an important carrier of cultural identity, reports Evening Kyiv.

The exhibition brings together works by well-known Ukrainian artists, including Ivan Buriachok, Vadym Meller, Anatol Petrytskyi, Alla Horska and Myron Kyprian. Contemporary artists, such as Anna Ipatieva and Yulia Zaulichna, who are shaping the new face of Ukrainian theatre, will also find their place.

The project curators emphasise: “Theatre costume is not only an element of a performance, but also a carrier of national traditions, combining avant-garde and classical trends.” The exhibition provides an opportunity to trace the evolution of theatrical costume, reflecting the influence of historical and political events on its development.

Among the exhibits are four original avant-garde costumes from the collection of the Anatol Petrytskyi Theatre Museum, as well as rare archival photographs showing changes in theatre design.

The exhibition will open at 17:00, admission is free. The exhibition will be open until 31 October. The museum invites everyone to plunge into the world of theatre art and discover how costume becomes a living witness to the cultural heritage of Ukraine.