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A 72-year-old American who fought on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is on trial in Russia

Photo: Depositphotos

In Russia, prosecutors demanded seven years in prison for 72-year-old American Stephen Hubbard, who is accused of “mercenary activities”. This was reported by the Associated Press on 5 October.

According to the publication, Hubbard signed a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2022, underwent training and took part in hostilities until April of that year. After that, he was captured by Russian troops.

Prosecutors insist on severe punishment, demanding seven years in prison. The US Embassy in Russia confirmed knowledge of the arrest, but was unable to provide detailed information due to “confidentiality”.

It is worth noting that the Russian judicial system has an extremely high conviction rate – over 99% of defendants are convicted. At the same time, prosecutors have the right to appeal against verdicts if they consider them too lenient.

According to the AP, Russia has seen an increase in the number of arrests of Americans, which may indicate a deliberate policy of using US citizens as bargaining chips in international negotiations.