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Bloomberg: India a key supplier of banned technology to Russia


India has moved into second place among the suppliers of banned technologies to Russia, including microchips, electronic circuits and machine tools that continue to power Vladimir Putin’s military machine. According to Bloomberg, in April and May, exports of such goods exceeded $60 million, twice as much as in the previous months, and in July this figure jumped to $95 million. India is only ahead of China in terms of supply volumes.

According to anonymous sources, almost 20% of sensitive technologies that fall into the hands of the Russian military-industrial complex are supplied through India. This fact is a cause for deep concern among Ukraine’s Western allies, who have repeatedly raised this issue during meetings with Indian diplomats, but have not received a proper response. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has refused to comment on the situation, which only complicates diplomatic efforts.

Difficulties for the USA and the EU in the Fight against the Russian Military-Industrial Complex

Despite the active efforts of the United States and the European Union to limit the supply of technologies needed to produce Russian weapons, Moscow finds workarounds through third countries. Among them, in addition to India, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates play a significant role. This creates additional challenges for Western allies in their efforts to limit Russia’s ability to continue its military aggression in Ukraine.

India remains a strategically important partner for Russia, as it has become one of the largest buyers of Russian oil. As a result, Russia has accumulated significant reserves of Indian rupees, which facilitates further trade between the two countries. India has also become the focus of US and EU sanctions agencies, which are trying to put pressure on Indian firms and limit their involvement in the supply of dual-use goods.

Warning for Indian companies from the US

In July, US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo sent an official letter to the leadership of the Confederation of Indian Industry warning of sanctions risks for Indian companies and banks doing business with the Russian military. This was one of Washington’s attempts to curb the flow of technology to Russia, but India’s position seems to remain unchanged.

India’s role in global politics is becoming increasingly complex as the country tries to balance its relations with the West and maintain close ties with Russia, which calls into question its future economic and political priorities.