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Police detain teenagers for desecrating graves, but prosecutors drop charges

Photo: depositphotos.

Vandalism on Oliyska Hora

In eastern Jerusalem, police detained two 13-year-old teenagers who vandalised a military cemetery on the Mount of Olives. The incident took place on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, when the boys smashed the tombstones of the fallen soldiers, Israel’s Channel 9 reports,

Recorded actions on video

The vandalism was recorded by CCTV cameras installed at the cemetery. The footage shows one of the teenagers lifting a large stone and destroying the graves. Three headstones were damaged, including those of soldiers of the 16th Lithuanian Brigade, Meir Cohen, who died in 1985, and Michael Sharvit, who died during the Yom Kippur War.

Operational detention

The police quickly identified the teenagers and detained them. However, the court, taking into account the age of the suspects and the absence of violent acts, decided to release them under house arrest, which has already expired. At the moment, no official charges have been brought against the boys.

Response of the Prosecutor’s Office

The prosecutor’s office, which has faced criticism for the lack of charges, said it could not press charges due to the age of the suspects. “Upon completion of the investigation, the case will be transferred to the prosecutor’s office, where it will be considered in accordance with the protocol applicable to persons under the age of 14,” the prosecutor’s office said.

This situation highlights the challenges faced by the legal system when it comes to crimes committed by minors and the public response to acts of vandalism that damage the memory of the dead.