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Detention of the head of the national park in Bukovyna: Bribe of $65 thousand and details of the case

Photo: depositphotos.

Circumstances of detention

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) detained the head of the Khotyn National Nature Park in Chernivtsi region on suspicion of taking a $65,000 bribe. The official demanded an undue benefit from an entrepreneur for assistance in obtaining a long-term lease of land in the park. This was reported by the press centre of the State Bureau of Investigation.

Demanding a bribe

According to law enforcement, the businessman asked the park manager to enter into a lease agreement for the construction of a recreation centre. In response to his request, the official offered to sign the necessary documents on the condition that he would transfer $65,000 to him. As a result, the businessman, not agreeing to such conditions, decided to turn to law enforcement agencies, which led to the official’s detention red-handed.

Legal implications

The official was served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. This article provides for liability for obtaining an unlawful benefit by an official, combined with extortion, on a particularly large scale. For the duration of the pre-trial investigation, a custody was chosen as a measure of restraint with the possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 2 million.

Public reaction

The incident has caused outrage among local residents and representatives of NGOs, who are calling for a stronger fight against corruption in government. They emphasise the need for transparency in relations between business and government agencies to avoid similar situations in the future.

The detention of the head of the Khotyn National Park demonstrates the seriousness of the problem of corruption in Ukraine and the importance of active law enforcement in combating these phenomena. Clear control mechanisms and legislative initiatives can significantly reduce the risks associated with unlawful demands by officials.