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“The Ministry of Health of Ukraine is implementing revolutionary changes in the system of disability determination”


The Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine has initiated a large-scale reform of the medical and social expertise (MSEC) aimed at ensuring deeper social inclusion of people with disabilities. The main goal of the reform is to optimise the process of determining disability by transferring expertise to cluster and supercluster hospitals, which will improve the availability and quality of medical services. This was reported by

A new approach to valuation

According to the new concept, the process of assessing the functioning of people with disabilities is called “assessment of daily living”. This means that specialists will pay attention not only to medical aspects, but also to the person’s capabilities in everyday life. An important element of the reform is the introduction of an electronic healthcare system that will provide prompt access to data and allow for informed decision-making.

Social guarantees and changes in financing

The Ministry of Health guarantees the preservation of social rights for people with disabilities, as well as the procedure of medical and social expertise for children. The reform envisages changes in financing, which will ensure more efficient use of budget funds and create conditions for high-quality medical and social support.

Transparency and control

As part of the reform, the Ministry of Health has already reviewed medical expert files and introduced mandatory income declarations for MSEC members. This is aimed at increasing transparency and preventing corruption risks. The Ministry of Health also has a hotline for citizens to get advice on issues related to the examination.

Expected results

The reform of medical and social expertise is an important step towards the integration of people with disabilities into society. It is expected to be fully implemented by 2025, which should significantly improve the quality of life for many Ukrainians.

This step by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine demonstrates the state’s commitment to creating equal opportunities for all citizens and improving the healthcare system in Ukraine.