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Oleh Lyashko appointed commander of the unmanned systems battalion of the 63rd Brigade

Oleh Lyashko. Photo:

Ukraine’s Armed Forces have taken an important step in strengthening their position at the front by appointing former MP Oleh Lyashko as commander of the unmanned systems battalion of the 63rd Separate Mechanised Brigade (SMB). This decision was announced by the 11th Army Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is based on his significant achievements during his two years of service.

Why Lyashko?

In his new appointment, Lyashko distinguished himself not only for his political activities but also for his professional qualities as a military officer. The command of the 63rd Brigade confirmed that during his service in the brigade, he demonstrated a deep understanding of working with unmanned systems. Lyashko actively implemented innovative approaches that helped repel enemy mechanised attacks, causing significant losses in enemy equipment and manpower.

Achievements on the frontline

Since his service in the 63rd Brigade, the unmanned systems battalion led by Liashko has shown impressive results. In the autumn of 2023, it was ranked among the top 10 units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of the effectiveness of hitting enemy targets, which indicates a high level of training and combat readiness.

Official statement

In a statement, the 11th Army Corps noted that Lyashko’s appointment as commander of the unmanned systems battalion is a response to numerous media and public inquiries about personnel decisions in the Armed Forces. The authorities believe that his experience and leadership qualities will be the key to the 63rd Brigade’s further success in performing combat missions.

This step underscores the importance of adapting military structures to the modern realities of warfare and efforts to improve the effectiveness of combat operations.