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Russia’s intelligence services are in a panic: Will Ukraine be able to build nuclear weapons?

Photo: Intelligence Agency of the People of Ukraine

The Intelligence Agency of the People of Ukraine (IAP) released a startling message on its official Telegram channel that has caused a wave of concern among Russian intelligence services. The statement, titled “Russia’s intelligence services have received an alarming signal: Will Ukraine be able to build nuclear weapons?” caused a wide response among both international experts and the public.

The key point of the message was an ironic but powerful comment that became the centre of discussion:

“Firstly, we do not have nuclear weapons, and secondly, if necessary, we will use them.”

These words seem to be a response to vague rumours circulating in Russian circles about Ukraine’s possible creation of its own nuclear arsenal.

Threat or bluff?

This statement, first and foremost, demonstrates the complexity and unpredictability of the situation around the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, which continues to escalate. Russia’s intelligence agencies have repeatedly claimed that Ukraine poses a “nuclear threat” in an attempt to instil fear among the population and create an image of Ukraine as an aggressor.

However, there is no evidence that Ukraine is actually working on nuclear weapons. On the contrary, official Kyiv has repeatedly stated its desire to uphold international standards of safety and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 by signing the Budapest Memorandum, in which, incidentally, it was Russia that pledged to guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Strategic reflections

The statement of the People’s Intelligence Agency (IAP) may also indicate that Ukraine, facing serious threats, will not be limited to standard methods of defence.

This message can be interpreted as a warning: Ukraine is ready to do anything to defend its independence. Although real attempts to rebuild the nuclear arsenal seem unlikely at the moment, such statements hint that Ukraine may reconsider its non-nuclear policy if the situation demands it.

It is not yet known whether Ukraine intends to deepen the topic of nuclear capabilities, but such an information message could prove to be an important element in Kyiv’s global strategy to secure security and international support.