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A blow to the satellites: Ukrainian hackers disrupt Russian IT infrastructure

Photo: Depositphotos

On Friday, 18 October, it became known about a large-scale cyberattack carried out by specialists from the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, NV reports. The attack targeted the IT infrastructure of Morsvyazsputnik, the national operator of Russia’s mobile satellite communications system. According to NV’s sources in the Ukrainian Defence Forces, the attack also affected the state system for monitoring maritime traffic in Russia.

As part of the attack, Ukrainian specialists used DDOS attacks, which resulted in systemic failures in access to the websites and electronic resources of the affected facilities. The Russian transport and logistics company Fesco and the Rosmorport and Rosmorrechport enterprises were also targeted. These actions led to instability in satellite communications used to monitor and control maritime traffic.

According to an intelligence source, Russian media outlets have been ordered to conceal the fact of the DDOS attack, making it difficult to objectively assess the economic damage caused to Russian facilities. This information blockade is aimed at avoiding panic and maintaining control over the situation among the population and the military.

It should be noted that cyberwarfare between countries takes place against the backdrop of ongoing armed conflicts and is becoming an increasingly important element of modern warfare. This attack is only the latest episode in a long series of cyber operations that reflect the growing dependence of modern military conflict on digital technologies.