Ukraine appeals to UN and Red Cross over alleged execution of Ukrainian soldier by Russian military

Дмитро Лубінець

Dmytro Lubinets

Ukraine has appealed to the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross following the alleged execution of a Ukrainian serviceman by a Russian soldier on the battlefield. This was announced by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets.

“The Russians have probably shot a wounded and unarmed Ukrainian soldier. They filmed it on video, which is now being spread on the Internet,” Lubinets said on his Telegram channel.

According to him, this incident is a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law. “I am sending letters to the Red Cross and the UN to ensure a response to this heinous act,” the ombudsman added.

The video, which has not yet been authenticated, shows a Ukrainian soldier in a field uniform lying on the ground. A person behind the camera approaches him and asks questions about his place of origin and the presence of other Ukrainian soldiers in the area.

The soldier replies that he is from the Sumy region and that there are no other Ukrainian soldiers nearby. The video then shows an armed man shooting the Ukrainian soldier in the head.

“If the world does not react to this, such crimes will be repeated. Unpunished evil always returns,” Lubinets said, condemning the “cynicism and cruelty” of the Russian army.

Since the start of the full-scale war, Ukraine and Russia have repeatedly accused each other of killing prisoners of war. The Ukrainian side announced that it had already launched an investigation into the alleged execution of six of its soldiers who had previously been captured in the east of the country.