One third of young people want to leave Ukraine: survey results

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According to a poll conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Centre, 20.7% of Ukrainians would like to move abroad for permanent residence if the borders were opened to all categories of the population. At the same time, the majority (70%) of respondents want to stay in Ukraine, while 9.3% have not yet decided.

Young and older generations: the difference in attitudes

The proportion of people willing to leave the country is much higher among young people aged 18-29 – 33%. Among people over 60, this figure is only 9%.

Men vs. women

Among men, 25% of respondents expressed a desire to emigrate, while among women this figure is 17%.

Reasons for wanting to leave

The main reasons for people to leave Ukraine are:

  • Lack of development opportunities – 30.5%;
  • Threat to health and life due to hostilities – 28.6%;
  • Insufficient social support from the state – 28.6%;
  • Reunification with family that has already emigrated – 26.2%.

Survey methodology

The survey was conducted face-to-face in the government-controlled areas of Ukraine where no hostilities are taking place. A total of 1,518 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed.