Silver shekels of Jerusalem: coins of rebellion and faith

The silver shekels of Jerusalem, minted in 66-67 CE, were used for the Temple tax three years before the destruction of the Temple by the Romans. Symbols of faith and struggle that survived until 1958.

Imagine a silver coin that has passed through 1958, bearing the imprint of not just an economy, but an entire era. These are the shekels of Israel, minted in 66 and 67 AD, in the first years of the Great Jewish Revolt against Rome. They were not ordinary currency – they were symbols of hope, struggle, and religious resilience of a people who sought to preserve their freedom.

The obverse of these coins bears the inscription “Shekel of Israel” and an image of a bowl, which probably symbolised temple sacrifices. The reverse side bears the legendary inscription “Holy Jerusalem” surrounded by pomegranate branches, an ancient symbol of fertility and divine blessing.

These coins were used to pay the Temple tax, a special contribution that Jews sent to the Second Temple in Jerusalem. They were minted at a time when Judea was in a state of rebellion and Jerusalem was still standing, unscathed by the Roman legions. However, just three years later, in 70 AD, a catastrophe occurred – Titus’ troops stormed the city and destroyed the Temple, wiping it off the map.

Silver shekels are not just the money of ancient Judea. They are artefacts that remind us of the struggle for faith, for identity, and for freedom. They are witnesses to a time when Jerusalem was the heart of the Jewish world and the Temple was its soul.

Picture of Oleg Margolin

Oleg Margolin