Photo:Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Reuven Asman with his son Schneer/Facebook
Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Reuven Asman shared a warm and touching post on his Facebook page dedicated to a special day in his family. Today, he and his youngest son Shneor are celebrating his birthday, but this year the event takes on even greater significance as 13-year-old Shneor celebrates his Bar Mitzvah, an important Jewish rite of passage.
“Dear friends! Today is a very special day for me – it’s my youngest son Schneer’s birthday! But this year he is celebrating not just the day he was born – this year he is having his Bar Mitzvah! This is the day when a boy becomes an adult under Jewish law, takes on full responsibility and begins a new stage in his life,” wrote Rabbi Asman.
In the post, he said that he asked Schneer what gift he would like to receive in honour of this day. His son’s response was striking in its depth and sensitivity: “He said: “I really want us to finish the House in memory of my brother Matityahu as soon as possible… for those who lost their homes and loved ones because of the war in Ukraine. I want them to have a new place where they can rebuild their lives.”
Schneer is only 13, but he is already actively involved in humanitarian work. According to his father, the boy accompanied him on many volunteer missions to Ukraine, and sometimes even organised actions on his own, delivering medical equipment to military hospitals. “His heart is big, sincere, and I am very proud of him!” the rabbi added.
Moshe Asman recalled the project to build a home in the miraculous town of Anatevka in Kyiv region, which is being built in memory of his son Matityahu (Anton Samborsky), who died at the front defending Ukraine from Russian aggression. This House will become a refuge for families who have lost everything because of the war, a place where they can find support and start their lives anew.
“You all remember when we started building this house… It will be a place where families who lost everything as a result of this terrible war will find refuge,” the rabbi said, inviting everyone to join in congratulating him and Schneer. He promised to leave the details for supporting the project in the comments to the post.
Asman concluded his post with an optimistic note: “Light always conquers darkness. And this Bar Mitzvah is about that!”
This event is yet another testament to how the Asman family combines personal celebrations with a great mission – to help those affected by war and to keep faith in the victory of good. Time Ukraine Israel joins in the congratulations and wishes Schneer good health, strength and inspiration in his new life stage!