Welcome to the pages of our TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL magazine/portal.
We hope you find each article inspiring as we continue to cover the current war in Israel and our response to this crisis.
While anti-Semitism rears its ugly head around the world, and even world leaders brazenly show their true anti-Israel colors. We stand on the other side of this confrontation.
The current war has awakened all kinds of fears and memories in people who survived the Holocaust.
Like Israel, Ukraine cannot lay down its arms, because it is a question of our existence. And although we are at a distance, Israel and Ukraine are on the same side against countries that are connected to each other.
Now is the moment when good or evil will win. We are sure that good will prevail.
TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL – it is the first media company between Israel and Ukraine. Our team worked on its creation for several months, trying to find new, as yet untapped opportunities.
In the end, I am sure, our information platform will become one of the most important bridges of fruitful cooperation between Ukraine and Israel, countries that have built real friendly relations and deepen cooperation every day.

In the conditions of the military conflict that Ukraine is currently experiencing, the experience of Israel, its specialists and knowledge becomes invaluable. Currently, Israel is fighting Hamas, but it does not stop for a second in its development. And this amazing vitality of this small but very strong country inspires us to succeed. Israeli businessmen and politicians are ready for dialogue and cooperation that can help Ukraine restore its potential.
The communications created by TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL allow you to exchange experience, discuss and jointly find a point of support that will contribute to ensuring economic development. Our platform for public strategic discussions involves more than just discussing the state of contemporary politics and big business amid the challenges facing government.
Soon, the experts involved by us will share their knowledge and secrets with everyone – at the community, city, state level.

We also hope that you will be equally interested in receiving the paper version of the magazine. On the pages of TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL you will find interviews with famous people, news of business, economy, politics and other areas, reviews of various markets and their main trends, exclusive comments of authoritative experts, advice and consultations on a wide range of issues related to conducting business and entrepreneurial activity.
We also hope that not only our team is ready to cooperate at all levels, so your creative idea or socially significant project will have the green light. I am very motivated right now by the statement of Golda Meir – an Israeli politician and statesman, the 5th Prime Minister of Israel:
“I can honestly admit that I never took into account doubts about the success of this or that case. If I thought that the matter was right, then I went for it, not considering the possible result.,,
I think that this expression can become a slogan for our entire society now, when we are fighting every day for our right to life, for our independent state. I can say with certainty: the TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL team has no doubts – we choose to act right now! You will be interested in receiving a paper version of the magazine. On the pages of TIME UKRAINE ISRAEL you will find interviews with famous people, news of business, economy, politics and other areas, reviews of various markets and their main trends, exclusive comments of authoritative experts, advice and consultations on a wide range of issues related to conducting business and entrepreneurial activity.

Marianna Nyzhnia
Founder of Time Ukraine Israel