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Putin dismissed Volodymyr Tytov, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Колишній перший заступник міністра закордонних справ РФ Володимир Титов

Russian President Vladimir Putin fired First Deputy Foreign Minister Volodymyr Tytov without explaining the reasons, TASS reports. The dismissal decree was published on the official legal information portal of Russia. “To dismiss Volodymyr Gennadiyovych Titov from the post of First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,” reads the decree, which entered into […]

Far-left activist arrested in connection with sabotage of France’s high-speed rail network

Компанія SNCF

On Monday, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced the arrest of a far-left activist suspected of involvement in the sabotage of France’s high-speed rail network last Friday, Reuters reported. It is the first publicly announced arrest since the attack, which happened just hours before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Thanks to the quick […]

Israeli Olympic Committee Responds to Threats Against Athletes in Paris

Photo: depositphotos Yesterday, the Israeli Olympic Committee issued an official statement in response to threats directed at several Israeli athletes participating in the Paris Olympics. The statement emphasizes that Israel will focus solely on sporting achievements and will ignore manifestations of hatred, not yielding to any threats. The Committee noted that Israeli athletes have faced […]