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Economic Drama: How the US and Turkey Threaten Russian Trade

Foto:Depositphotos Once again, the world witnessed an economic drama on the international stage, as reported by The Moscow Times. The United States is putting “absolutely unprecedented, undisguised and aggressive pressure” on Turkey, as the Kremlin claims. This pressure is caused by the threat of secondary US sanctions against Turkish banks that handle Russian payments, which […]

In Israel, the house of a media mogul was attacked: Channel 12 is under attack

On Wednesday night, unknown attackers threw a bottle with an incendiary mixture into the house of David Wertheim, the owner of Channel 12. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the attack caused considerable concern in the country’s media community. Wertheim, a well-known businessman and founder of Keshet Media Group, which controls Channel 12 and the […]

Washington declares its support for Israel amid tensions in the region

Foto: Depositphotos US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin confirmed that Washington is ready to support Israel in the event of an attack on the country, while emphasizing the importance of de-escalating tensions in the region. This statement was made after the elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Hania in Iran, reports Time Ukraine Israel with reference to […]