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Netanyahu and Gallant Clash Over Gaza War: A Threat to Israeli Cabinet Unity

Прем'єр-міністр Ізраїлю Біньямін Нетаньяху та міністр оборони Йоав Галлант. Фото: Reuters

A rift between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the Gaza war has become the latest in a series of tensions that have tested the unity of Israel’s government, pushing it to the brink over the past 18 months, reports Reuters. On Monday, Netanyahu stated that he and Gallant could […]

Leading Russian physicist sentenced to 15 years for “state treason”

Російський фізик Олександр Шиплюк Фото: WillWest News

Russian physicist Oleksandr Shiplyuk Photo: WillWest News Prominent Russian physicist Alexander Shiplyuk, involved in the country’s hypersonic missile program, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of state treason. This is the latest in a series of verdicts against Russian scientists amid growing paranoia and accusations of espionage within Russia’s elite, reports […]

Two US Marines were attacked during a visit to a port in Turkey, CBS News

Photo: depositphotos Attack on US Marines in Izmir Izmir, Turkey, September 2, 2024 — Two U.S. Marines aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp were attacked during a port visit to Izmir, Turkey. The incident occurred on Monday when a group of men, believed to be from the anti-American nationalist organization the Turkish Youth Union, […]