Iran executes Iranian-German dissident Jamshid Sharmad: Germany expresses strong protest

Джамшид Шармахд був страчений в Ірані

Jamshid Sharmahd was executed in Iran. Photo: Christophe Gatot / DPA Iranian authorities on Monday executed Iranian-German dissident Jamshid Sharmad, who had been in prison since 2020, despite sharp criticism from the international community. According to the judicial portal Mizan Online, citing The Guardian and AFP, the execution took place after the final approval of […]

Russian troops launch missile attack on Kryvyi Rih

ніч на 29 жовтня російські окупаційні сили здійснили ракетний обстріл Кривого Рогу, що спричинило значні руйнування та жертви серед цивільного населення.

On the night of 29 October, Russian occupation forces shelled Kryvyi Rih with rockets, causing significant destruction and civilian casualties. According to the head of the Dnipro regional military administration, Serhiy Lysak, one person was killed and 14 others were injured in the attack. Ten of the injured are in hospital, one of them in […]