Son of Norwegian princess arrested on suspicion of rape

Принц Маріус Борг Гейбі сфотографований на гала-концерті 2022 року

Prince Marius Borg Gabriel photographed at the 2022 gala, Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / AFP The son of Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit, 27-year-old Marius Borg Gabriel, has been arrested on suspicion of rape. This was officially reported by the Norwegian police. The incident that led to the arrest occurred in August in a woman’s apartment […]

Robbery of humanitarian trucks in the Gaza Strip

Photo: Abaca Press Humanitarian aid flowing into the Gaza Strip came under serious attack when nearly 100 aid trucks were looted on 16 November. This is one of the largest attacks on humanitarian supplies in recent months, according to dpa and Reuters. Causes and perpetrators of the attack Philip Lazzarini, head of the UN Relief […]