DPRK transfers more than 100 artillery systems and short-range missiles to Russia – DIU

Since October, North Korea has started supplying military equipment to Russia. According to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), more than 100 artillery systems of various types and 100 KN-23/24 short-range ballistic missiles were moved to Russia. Delivery detailsThe first deliveries began on 3 October. Among the transferred equipment: As of November, the DPRK has […]

Poland deploys Leopard 2 tanks to Latvia to reinforce NATO brigade

Poland has sent Leopard 2 tanks to Latvia to reinforce the NATO multinational brigade stationed in the EU and NATO member state. According to dpa, the tanks were delivered by rail to the Adazi military base, where they will replace the previously deployed PT-91 tanks, the Polish version of the Soviet T-72. The Latvian military […]