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Rehabilitation of Soldiers at Kyiv Pechersk Lavra: A New Program for Psychological Support

Today, the editorial team of Time Ukraine Israel had the honor of visiting Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, where an important project for the rehabilitation of soldiers is already in operation. The charitable organization “Foundation of Ukraine 1991” together with the charitable fund “Ukrainian Lavra” have launched the “Spiritual Revival through Culture” program, aimed at providing psychological […]

Kyiv: Stories and legends of the majestic city

Foto:social networks Kyiv, one of the oldest cities in Europe, is full of mysterious stories and legends embodied in its architectural masterpieces. Walking through its streets, you can feel the breath of the ages and touch the glorious past. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery: miracles and secrets Founded in the 12th century, Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery is famous […]