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Ukraine Received First F-16 Fighters: An Important Step in Strengthening Defense Potential

Foto:Depositphotos Ukraine received its first F-16 fighter jets, the delivery of which was delayed for several months due to various factors, including language barriers and technical difficulties, according to Bloomberg. The transfer of American military aircraft was completed in accordance with the established deadline of the end of July, despite difficulties with the organization and […]

Killing of an officer of the IRGC in the suburbs of Damascus: disagreements and questions

Foto:Depositphotos As reports, Arab mass media are reporting the killing of a high-ranking officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the suburbs of Damascus. The explosion that probably caused the incident occurred in an area where Iranian officers live. Information is spreading on social networks that the deceased could be Haji Habib […]

Former prisoners in Ukraine are looking for a second chance through military service

32-річний Богдан Філоненко, колишній автовикрадач і колишній український полонений, який підписався під новим законом про амністію в обмін на службу в армії.

Bohdan Filonenko, 32, a former car thief and a former Ukrainian prisoner who signed up under a new law granting them amnesty in exchange for army service. Photo:Vyacheslav Madiyevskyy/Reuters Former car thief Bohdan Filonenko had a simple answer for his cellmates who criticized his decision to join the Ukrainian army. “I’m not going to die,” […]