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Chechen troops under fire of criticism: the failure of the operation in Kursk caused a wave of indignation among Russian military bloggers

Солдати батальйону «Ахмат». ФОТО: Фотоагентство «Коммерсантъ»

Soldiers of the “Akhmat” battalion. Photo: Kommersant After the failure of the operation in the Kursk region, the Chechen troops of the Akhmat special forces, under the command of Ramzan Kadyrov, became a target for pro-war Russian bloggers. While Kadyrov and his general, Apti Alaudinov, claim that their forces have inflicted significant losses on the […]

A Ukrainian official reveals the purpose of the invasion of the Kursk region – to “stretch” Moscow’s forces and destabilize Russia

Ukraine strikes another blow at Russia, launching a large-scale military operation in the Kursk region. According to a high-ranking Ukrainian official, this operation is aimed at “stretching” Russian forces and destabilizing the situation in Russia itself. In an interview with AFP on Sunday, he explained that the incursion deep into Russian territory is a strategic […]