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Washington Post: Artificial Intelligence as Villain – Why ‘AfrAId’ Perpetuates Our Fears

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New horror film AfrAId successfully uses the theme of malevolent artificial intelligence to evoke modern anxieties and fears. The film tells the story of a family whose intelligent domestic helper, initially helpful, turns into a murderous monster. This portrayal of AI as a menacing villain is part of a long tradition in entertainment where technology often reflects our deepest fears.

The theme of Malicious AI in the Horror Genre

According to the Washington Post, “AfrAId” continues a tradition in which artificial intelligence becomes a symbol of our fears. The history of cinema shows that artificial intelligence, from HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey to the characters of The Terminator, is often portrayed as dangerous and unpredictable. The film “AfrAId” adds a modern dimension to this context, exploring how the technologies that are becoming more integrated into our lives can become threats.

Lack of Motivation as a Source of Fear

Experts note that the lack of a clear motivation in fictional artificial intelligences makes them especially creepy. As “AfrAId” writer Chris Weitz explains, the film’s malevolent AI reflects our anxieties about technology and what it can do to us. This fear is reinforced by the lack of an understandable explanation for the actions of such technologies, which makes them even more terrifying.

Techno-optimism and Negative Influence

One cannot fail to mention the positive aspect associated with technological advances. Many technologists, such as Elon Musk, are inspired by the positive depictions of artificial intelligence in science fiction. However, “AfrAId” shows how the idealized vision of technology can change when it starts to be perceived as a threat.

AfrAId opens a new chapter in the horror genre, once again drawing our attention to the potential dangers associated with technological progress. It explores how modern fears of artificial intelligence are transformed into fascinating and at the same time creepy entertainment.