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The World Bank supported a new educational project in Ukraine for $415 million: key aspects of the LEARN program


The Board of Directors of the World Bank approved a new system project for Ukraine called “Increasing the accessibility and sustainability of education in the crisis in Ukraine” (LEARN). The total cost of the project is 415 million US dollars. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

The LEARN project is aimed at supporting and strengthening the education system in Ukraine in the face of challenges caused by war and economic difficulties. The main goal is to create safe and accessible conditions for learning and teaching in schools throughout the country.

Main areas of support:

1. Improvement of teaching and learning conditions: According to the plan, funds from the state budget will be provided to local budgets in the form of subventions for the implementation of necessary measures. This will make it possible to update educational institutions, provide them with modern equipment and create comfortable conditions for students and teachers.
2. Ensuring safety: Special attention will be paid to ensuring safe conditions for face-to-face training. This includes setting up a security system in schools, preparing for possible emergency situations and providing the necessary materials and equipment.
3. Accessibility for Vulnerable Categories: An important part of the program is the provision of free travel for students who belong to vulnerable categories. This will enable more children to attend school without hindrance, regardless of their place of residence.
4. Improving the qualifications of teachers: The project provides for the organization of training courses for teachers that will help them adapt to new teaching conditions and effectively use modern educational technologies.
5. Procurement of textbooks and management: LEARN also provides funding for the procurement of new textbooks and learning materials that meet modern standards, as well as for improving governance in the education sector.

Strategic influence

The LEARN program is a key component of the strategy for the recovery and development of the educational system of Ukraine, which is suffering from the consequences of military actions and the economic crisis. The approval of this project demonstrates the long-term support of Ukraine by international partners and shows the importance of education for the future of the country.

It is expected that the implementation of the project will improve the quality of education, provide access to it for all categories of the population and create conditions for the sustainable development of the educational system even in times of crisis.

This project can also serve as an example for other countries facing similar challenges, showing how international cooperation can help preserve and develop education even in the most difficult conditions.