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Families of abducted women ahead of summit: “Sending only Mossad head means giving up our daughters”

Photo: from open sources

As the crucial summit in Doha approaches to discuss the situation of kidnapped female soldiers, the affected families are expressing profound concern. They claim that sending only Mossad chief Dedi Barnea to the meeting, without Shin Bet head Ronan Bar and Major General Nitzan Alon, could indicate insufficient state support and threaten the safety of their loved ones.

Calls for Expanded Delegation

The families are insisting on the need for all key figures to participate in the negotiations. “Sending only one representative to the summit means we will only be listening and not securing a real agreement to save our loved ones,” emphasizes Shira Albag, mother of one of the kidnapped.

Albag informed Ynet that she had received information that Ronan Bar and Nitzan Alon would not attend the preparatory discussions. “If only Barnea goes to Qatar, it means the negotiations might be ineffective,” she noted.

She also highlighted the importance of having the full delegation present to achieve tangible results. “We expect all key figures to be present if they truly want to make progress,” added Albag.

Hesitant Hopes and Tension

Despite the criticism, the families have expressed a willingness to take more severe measures if the negotiations fail, though specific steps have not yet been disclosed. Sasha Aryeva, sister of one of the kidnapped, expressed hope that international pressure would help achieve an agreement. “We hope that international pressure will help resolve the situation,” she said.

Anxiety Over Delays and Victim Reports

Yehuda Cohen, father of kidnapped soldier Nimrod Cohen, continues to receive signs of life from his son but expresses concern over the delays in negotiations. “Time is working against us,” he stressed, calling for urgent resolution, especially following recent news of casualties and injuries.

Source: Ynet