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“Haifa Residents Sue City Council Over Massive Invasion of Wild Boars”

Photo: detaly

In Haifa, a group of seven local residents has filed a representative lawsuit against the Haifa Municipality in the Haifa District Court. They accuse the authorities of failing to address the issue of wild boars that have been troubling the city.

The plaintiffs claim that the situation has become critical. One of them, a woman, was involved in a traffic accident due to a collision with a wild boar, while another man was forced to flee to escape. Daily, residents report their fear of going outside in the evenings due to the danger posed by these animals.

The plaintiffs also highlight that the municipality’s failure to resolve this issue has led to a disruption of the ecological balance in the area. They demand that the municipality install underground waste bins and build fencing around residential areas adjacent to the forest. Additionally, they seek compensation of 5,000 shekels for each resident for the harm caused.

This lawsuit poses a significant challenge for local authorities, who now need to find effective solutions to improve the situation with wild boars and restore trust among Haifa’s residents.

Source: newsru