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Law enforcement officers from Donetsk region found themselves on the dock: losses to the state — more than UAH 2.6 million


The scandalous news shook Donetsk region: four law enforcement officers are accused of creating a criminal scheme, thanks to which they unjustifiably charged their subordinates combat allowances in the amount of more than 2.6 million hryvnias. This was reported by the press service of the SBI on Wednesday, July 31.

According to the investigation, the head of one of the inter-district departments, together with two heads of district departments and the chief accountant, organized a mechanism for falsifying reports on the participation of their employees in hostilities. In a few months, they illegally issued 24 combat allowances using false data.

At the moment, two of the accused are in custody, and the movable and immovable property of all those involved has been seized. The case was classified as official forgery and embezzlement of someone else’s property in particularly large amounts during martial law by a prior conspiracy of a group of persons.

This news once again reminds of the need to strengthen control over the expenditure of public funds, especially in wartime conditions. It will be recalled that earlier the SBU exposed a scheme involving the theft of almost 1.5 billion hryvnias for the purchase of mortar rounds for the Armed Forces, in which officials of the Ministry of Defense and managers of the Lviv Arsenal were involved. Also, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina is investigating the possible use of funds from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the purchase of an explosives production plant.