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Murder of SHABAS Dog Handler: Suspect Remains in Custody for 10 More Days

Photo: depositphotos

As reported by israelinfo, the court has extended the detention of 20-year-old Ibrahim Mansur, a resident of the village of Bidu, for an additional 10 days. Mansur is suspected of murdering SHABAS dog handler Yohai Avni, a crime that occurred in early July in the village of Givon HaHadasha in the Matte Binyamin region.

According to the police, the suspect has confessed to the murder. Although Mansur is a supporter of Hamas, he claims that the motive for the crime was criminal, not nationalist.

Both the police and the SHABAK security service are struggling to determine the motive for this brutal murder. The suspect stated that the murder was not planned and happened accidentally. He also admitted to setting the apartment on fire after the murder to destroy evidence.

Previously, Mansur was under administrative detention by SHABAK for incitement and was released in April. During his detention, he was not held at the Ofer prison where Avni worked, and they were not acquainted.

According to available information, on the day of the crime, the suspect attempted to break into other houses in the village but was unsuccessful.

Additionally, the police and SHABAK reported the arrest of Mansur’s relative, a 24-year-old resident of Bidu, who will also be brought before the court for a hearing on extending his detention.