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Netanyahu Attacks: “Galant Threatens Agreement With His Anti-Israel Rhetoric”

Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Galant. Photo: Noam Rivkin Fenton

As tensions mount between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the conflict has reached a new level amid ongoing war and heightened Iranian readiness for retaliation. Gallant’s criticism of Netanyahu’s statements about “total victory” as nonsense has provoked a sharp response from the Prime Minister, who accused the Defense Minister of undermining efforts to secure a deal for the release of hostages. This internal dispute not only highlights the fractures within the Israeli government but also complicates the already complex situation on the front lines.

Rift Between Netanyahu and Gallant

The dispute between Netanyahu and Gallant has intensified after the Defense Minister’s veiled but pointed criticism of the Prime Minister’s rhetoric. During a closed discussion with the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Gallant criticized Netanyahu’s concept of “total victory” as unrealistic given the current military situation. He argued that such statements are counterproductive to efforts aimed at securing a deal for the release of hostages and further complicate the potential for negotiations.

Netanyahu’s Response

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded sharply to Gallant’s criticism, accusing him of undermining national interests. In an official statement released by Netanyahu’s press office, it was asserted that Gallant’s rhetoric “reduces the chances of achieving a deal for the release of hostages.” Netanyahu emphasized that the only path to success is the complete dismantling of Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities, and this directive must be followed by all government members, including Gallant.

Netanyahu’s Inner Circle’s Stance

Despite Netanyahu’s harsh remarks, senior officials within his circle attempted to ease tensions, stating that Gallant’s dismissal is not on the agenda. They highlighted that, despite internal disagreements, changing the government’s composition during wartime could only worsen the situation. According to sources close to the government, Netanyahu remains focused on achieving military objectives and does not plan to make any personnel changes in the midst of the crisis.

Background Criticism and Political Repercussions

Gallant’s criticism extended beyond closed sessions, receiving backlash from Knesset members, particularly from Likud party representatives. His remarks, which labeled Netanyahu’s promise of “total victory” as empty talk, provoked strong reactions from political opponents. Knesset member Tali Gottlieb called on Netanyahu to dismiss Gallant, citing his “disrespect” toward national security issues.

Threats from Iran and Hezbollah

Amid internal disputes, external threats are also escalating. Iran and Hezbollah are ramping up their actions, adding pressure on Israel. Iran, in particular, has increased its readiness for potential involvement, which could further complicate the situation on the ground and force the Israeli government to act with heightened caution.

As internal disagreements and external threats escalate, Israel faces significant challenges in executing its military and political objectives. Conflicts among key government officials could further complicate efforts to secure deals for hostage releases and implement strategic plans to neutralize threats from Hamas. National security remains under severe strain, and resolving internal disputes will be critical for the future course of events.

Source: Ynet