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The transfer of the terrorist “Nukhba” to a civilian hospital caused a wave of discussions


On Wednesday, it became known that a fighter from the Hamas special forces, known as the Nuhba unit, was transferred to the Kaplan medical center in Rehovot. According to Channel 12, the hospitalization was not related to a threat to his life, and the decision was made on the instructions of the Ministry of Health of Israel.

Previously, the terrorists received medical care at a field hospital located on the territory of the Sde Taiman military base between Beer Sheva and the Gaza Strip. Doctors and medical staff from state medical centers were sent there to provide assistance. However, hospitals have recently stopped sending their specialists there, which has led to serious difficulties in the work of the field hospital.

The recent events caused a stir after the Association for Civil Rights and other organizations submitted a petition to BAGAC demanding the closure of the hospital in Sde Taiman. According to their data, the conditions of detention of prisoners there leave much to be desired. During the CNN investigation, it was stated that the prisoners were subjected to brutal treatment.

A few weeks ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the court that all possible means should be used to ensure that Sde Taiman remains a temporary detention facility until the terrorists are transferred to other facilities.

The Ministry of Health of Israel has repeatedly declared the inadmissibility of transporting terrorists to civilian hospitals, which is why the hospital in Sde Taiman was created to avoid contact between citizens and militants. However, as noted in the department, in some cases the operational necessity and needs of the investigation require the intervention of competent medical specialists.

This case raises important questions about the balancing act between national security and human rights, which inevitably provokes active discussions in society and political circles.

As Time Ukraine Israel reports with reference to the Israelinfo source, further developments will be closely monitored by both local and international observers.