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Ukrainian army authorized to strike Russian territory with dutch weapons

міністр оборони Нідерландів Рубен Брекельманс

photo:Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans

The Netherlands has officially granted permission for the Ukrainian army to use Dutch-supplied weapons to launch strikes on Russian territory. According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans emphasized that Ukraine has the right to defend itself in accordance with international law.

“Ukraine has the right to self-defense, and if attacks are launched from Russian territory, they can target military installations there. This includes airbases and missile positions used to strike Ukrainian cities. Enemy missiles can also be intercepted with our weapons, even over Russian territory,” Brekelmans said.

The minister highlighted that international law is not limited by geographical distance: “The right to self-defense is not restricted by borders or kilometers. We have placed no operational distance limits on Ukraine.” Brekelmans also confirmed that this authorization applies to the use of F-16 fighter jets, which the Netherlands plans to supply to Ukraine.

He called on other Western countries to lift restrictions on the use of supplied weapons, enabling Ukraine to more effectively defend itself against Russian military aggression.

Kyiv’s Appeal for Strikes on Russia’s Hinterland

For several months, Kyiv has been urging Western partners to allow it to strike military targets and bases deep inside Russia. These requests have intensified following Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv in May and increased missile and guided bomb strikes on the region.

While most European countries have supported this initiative, the U.S. and Germany have been cautious, fearing further escalation of the conflict. The U.S. has only allowed its weapons to be used within a 100-kilometer zone near the Ukraine-Russia border. As of now, there is no consensus among allies on removing restrictions for long-range strikes on Russian territory.