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Ukrainian grain to help Africa: Mozambique and Malawi will receive more than 23 thousand tons of corn


The Ukrainian ship set out with an important mission – to deliver more than 23,000 tons of corn to African countries as part of the “Grain from Ukraine” humanitarian program. This is another step in the framework of international aid aimed at fighting hunger in the most vulnerable regions of the planet.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the ship will deliver 3,848 tons of corn to Mozambique and another 19,200 tons to Malawi. This humanitarian initiative aims to support the World Food Program (WFP), which will distribute food to the most vulnerable sections of the population.

According to the estimates of the World Food Program, Ukrainian corn will provide food for about 200,000 people in Mozambique and 900,000 people in Malawi for three months. In countries where poverty and food insecurity are part of everyday life, this will be a vital support.

“Grain from Ukraine” is an important part of Ukraine’s global efforts to support food security at the international level. This initiative not only demonstrates solidarity with countries in a difficult situation, but also emphasizes Ukraine’s role as one of the key players in the global agricultural market, even in wartime conditions.

Despite the challenges, Ukraine continues to support the world food system, demonstrating its ability to respond to global challenges.