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Ukrainians continue to choose cashless payments

Photo: depositphotos

Non-cash transactions: the choice of Ukrainians

According to the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukrainians continue to prefer non-cash payments, which is confirmed by the statistics on the use of payment cards for the first half of 2024. The total number of transactions using payment cards issued by Ukrainian banks reached 4,123 million for the amount of 3,093.1 billion hryvnias. Of these, 94.3% of transactions were non-cash, which is 1,995.5 billion hryvnias or 64.5% of the total amount.

Priorities among types of non-cash transactions

The largest share of non-cash transactions is accounted for by payments in trade and service networks – 73.1% by number and 45.7% by amount. This indicates the growing popularity of contactless payments, which have become a common method of payment for many Ukrainians. Card-to-card transfers are also a significant part – 32.2% of the amount, which emphasizes the widespread use of mobile applications for money transfers.

Growth of payment infrastructure

The increase in the number of payment cards and payment infrastructure also contributes to the spread of cashless payments. In the first half of 2024, the number of active payment cards increased to 52.7 million, which is 2% more than at the beginning of the year. The number of contactless cards increased by 4%, and their share among active cards is more than 60%.

Contactless payments: growing popularity

There is also an increase in the number of contactless transactions. In the first half of 2024, their share reached 94.9% by number and 93.6% by amount. This shows that Ukrainians are actively switching to contactless payment methods, in particular, with the help of smartphones and other gadgets.

Statistics for the first half of 2024 confirm that Ukrainians continue to actively use cashless payments, preferring convenient and fast payment methods. The development of payment infrastructure and the spread of contactless cards contribute to the further growth of the popularity of cashless transactions, which is a positive signal for the country’s economy.