A journalist was arrested in Jerusalem for supporting terrorism: what is known?

Photo: Depositphotos

JERUSALEM, 17 March – Police arrested a 30-year-old Old City resident who works as a journalist on suspicion of supporting terrorist organisations and inciting violence. The investigation revealed that the woman published content glorifying militants and justifying violent acts.

Yahya Sinwar and the glorification of terrorists

Among the published materials were videos with leaders of terrorist groups, including Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. In one of these videos, he states that “the greatest reward for him is death for his beliefs”.

The journalist’s publications also included an image of Azz al-Din al-Masalami, a militant who carried out an armed attack that killed a child. She posted his photo with weapons and representatives of the Palestinian Authority security forces.

In addition, among its materials, the police found images and videos of members of terrorist groups, accompanied by texts glorifying their actions. One of the publications stated that “the militants will lay down their arms only before a higher power”, and another that “the fight against the occupier continues”.

Investigation and litigation

After a detailed analysis of these materials, the investigators concluded that the journalist could have deliberately disseminated content aimed at supporting terrorist activities.

By court order, she was detained and interrogated at the police station. Today, the court will consider the investigation’s request to extend the arrest for further investigation.

Given the sensitive security situation in Israel and the tightening of control over the information space, this case could have serious consequences for both the media sector and the fight against terrorism in the country.