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Coca-Cola Advertising Failure: How Efforts to Resolve the Gaza Boycott Turned into Trouble

Photo: Coca-Cola Company

This summer, Coca-Cola faced significant challenges as its sales plummeted in several Middle Eastern and Asian countries due to boycotts linked to support for Israel. In an effort to restore its reputation, the company launched an advertising campaign in Bangladesh aimed at distancing itself from any Israeli associations. Instead, the campaign triggered a fresh wave of criticism and backlash.

The Advertising Campaign and Its Fallout

The campaign featured actor Sharaf Ahmed Jibon portraying a shop owner who assured customers that Coca-Cola was not an Israeli product. He highlighted a “Palestinian factory” which was, in fact, an Israeli-operated plant in an illegal Israeli settlement. This misleading claim provoked a strong negative reaction, leading to the ad’s immediate removal from all platforms.

Coca-Cola acknowledged the mistake and issued an official apology, recognizing that the campaign was flawed and did not reflect the truth.

Response to the Boycott

The situation was exacerbated following the Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7, which resulted in numerous Palestinian casualties in Gaza due to Israeli military strikes. American brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Starbucks, and KFC experienced declining sales in regions affected by boycotts.

The Coca-Cola boycott was fueled by the operations of its franchise Central Bottling Company in the Israeli settlement of Atarot, sparking renewed outrage after the ad.

Reactions and Consequences

The boycott had a significant impact on Coca-Cola’s sales, which had already decreased by 23% before the ad aired. Local competitors, such as Matrix Cola from Jordan and Kinza from Saudi Arabia, capitalized on the situation, experiencing significant sales increases. Western brands also faced challenges, with Starbucks encountering severe difficulties due to the boycotts.

Final Conclusion

The Coca-Cola advertising incident highlights the complexities of global corporate communication amidst international conflicts. Companies must exercise extreme caution in their communication strategies to avoid such errors and maintain their reputation on a global scale.

Source: Washingtonpost