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Hungary and Slovakia accuse Ukraine of blackmail and call for cooperation with Russia

Прем’єр-міністр Словаччини Роберт Фіцо

Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico

Hungary and Slovakia, two EU and NATO members, have sharply criticized Ukraine, accusing it of blackmail, and called on European countries to work with Russia to reduce the “total influence” of the US. In addition, Slovakia directly threatened Kyiv with the termination of diesel fuel exports.

Threats and demands from Slovakia

Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico said that diesel exports to Ukraine will be suspended if the transportation of Russian crude oil through Ukraine is not resumed in the coming days. In a video post on the social network, Fico emphasized that the Slovnaft oil refinery in Bratislava will stop exporting diesel to Ukraine if restrictions on the transit of Russian oil are not lifted.

After several phone conversations with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and a meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador in Bratislava, Fico said that Ukraine must stop restricting Russian oil exports to Slovakia and Hungary, otherwise diesel exports, which account for 10% of Ukraine’s needs, will be stopped. .

Calls for cooperation with Russia

Fico also noted that Ukraine’s decision to limit the transit of Russian oil harms not only Slovakia and Hungary, but also Ukraine itself, while Russia does not feel any significant consequences. The prime minister of Slovakia emphasized that the country “rejects the policy of a new iron curtain between the EU and Russia” and that the EU should consider cooperation with Russia if it wants to get rid of the “total influence” of the US.

Position of Hungary

Hungary supported Slovakia’s position. Gergely Gulyash, the chief of staff of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, accused Ukraine of blackmailing peace-loving countries, in particular because of restrictions on the transit of Russian oil. He stated that Hungary does not seek to blackmail Ukraine in return, but cannot afford to be blackmailed.

United against Ukraine, Hungary and Slovakia not only expressed claims to Kyiv, but also issued serious warnings that could affect the economic situation in Ukraine. At the same time, these actions may become a test for European solidarity in relations with Russia and the USA.